Hot Air

Only Right Wing Opinions Are Allowed at NYT – HotAir

Taylor Lorenz is known for telling it like it is.

A fearless truth-teller and a once-in-a-generation intellect, Lorenz may be the Edward R. Murrow of our time.

Lorenz has once again blown the lid off the media conspiracy to suppress Left-leaning speech in the newsrooms of America.

Lorenz dropped on us the revelation that while at the New York Times, the famously right-leaning paper made it impossible to express any opinions save those pre-approved by the conservatives who dominate the newsroom.

She did so while recommending that we read a piece that argued that American media outlets are relentlessly pushing a pro-Israel narrative that slanders Hamas, which is, of course, why all the statistics coming out of Gaza are provided by Hamas and why the Times famously and falsely accused Israel of targeting a Gazan hospital with an airstrike that killed 500 people.

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