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Conservative Women Shouldn’t Be Calendar Girls for a Brewery

A brewery that aims its beer at conservative consumers recently announced it will sell a 2024 calendar featuring “real” women who happen to be conservative.

Models for the calendar marketed by Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right beer include former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines, NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch, businesswoman and former GOP congressional candidate Kimberly Klacik, and BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales.

Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right brewery, founded in April during transgender TikTok personality Dylan Mulvaney’s controversial partnership with Bud Light, says it sells only “100% woke-free beer.”

A noble and novel mission, yes. But Ultra Right’s new endeavor leaves much to be desired.

Although I respect the tremendous work these women have done, and what the Ultra Right brand does to fight liberal nonsense, the brewery can, and must, do better. We don’t…

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