News Busters

Marcus Attacks GOP For ‘Shameful Misuse of the Impeachment Power’

In a surprising development, PBS NewsHour’s Friday weekly news recap featured almost a debate between New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus on House Republicans formally approving an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden with the former wondering what the big deal is and the latter labeling it a “shameful misuse of the impeachment power.”

Host Amna Nawaz took Marcus’s side as she asked Brooks, “David, there’s no evidence linking the president to any wrongdoing yet. Why move ahead with this vote?”



Brooks didn’t see what all the fuss is about considering it is just an inquiry and it was already happening anyway:

Well, it’s easy to go ahead and do an inquiry. There are a lot of Republicans who have no problem doing an inquiry, but there are a lot of Republicans who also say, ‘well,…

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