Red state

Destroying the Satanist Altar in Iowa’s State Capitol Was a Righteous and Virtuous Response to Evil – RedState

Thursday, Michael Cassidy, a US Navy Reserve aviator, tore down and beheaded a Satanist Baphomet statue erected in the Iowa State Capitol. He’s since been charged with “4th-degree criminal mischief,” but he is a hero for our times.

The saga started when the so-called Satanic Temple Iowa, the local chapter of the national organization of Lucifer worship cult and social media trolls, applied to the Department of Administrative Services for a permit to display their satanic idol in the Capitol building. 

Originally, this group had asked to use a goat’s head on the idol, but that was somehow deemed inappropriate, while the whole Baphomet thing met with bureaucratic approval. The Satanists were beside themselves with glee.

In a statement on Monday, the Satanic Temple Iowa said it was proud to take part in the holiday season at the state Capitol.

The tenets portrayed on the statue, the…

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