Hot Air

The Indoctrination of Kids Has Worked – HotAir

If you still need evidence that the kids are not all right, the latest Harvard-Harris poll should finally convince you.

If you are a Trump supporter or a Biden opponent, the news is good. But if you worry that our education system has turned into a factory that churns out ideological monsters, the news is very bad.

The first thing you notice in the poll is that all those classes promoting CRT are having an effect. Four out of five people between 18 and 24 believe that White people are oppressors and that race-blind policies are unjust. Among millennials, the split is 50-50. Gen X and Boomers are on the opposite end of the spectrum.

You could call this the Ibram X. Kendi generations vs the MLK generations.


Jews, too, get labeled oppressors by the young, which explains why there is so much antisemitism in our schools and college campuses. Look at the totals for the population…

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