News Busters

Twitter Troll Douglass Mackey Imprisoned for Posting Meme, Jim Acosta Defends

Well, it finally happened. CNN has come out in opposition to the First Amendment.

On Monday, Inside Politics fill-in host Jim Acosta and internet blackmail enjoyer Andrew Kaczynski took turns scoffing theatrically that Donald Trump had dared object to the prosecution of a private citizen for posting a meme. The defendant in question was one Douglass Mackey, who posted an anti-Hillary Clinton meme (pictured to the right) on his Twitter account in 2016 under the name Ricky Vaughn.

The prosecutors seeking to jail Mackey for wrongthink claimed that, following his posting of the meme, around 4,900 people texted the number provided. However, they were unable to find a single person who hadn’t voted as a result of his tweet.

Guess which part of that story Kaczynski left out in his report.



“They say at least 4,900 people texted this number,”…

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