We live in a society where it has become increasingly common to be harsh to people with common-sense values and increasingly difficult to challenge certain forms of prejudice, lawlessness, and outright hatred of Western values.
Pushing conformity on people is not always a good thing. Nonconformists drive progress, and positive transformations of society have often resulted from people pushing back against destructive norms. The Civil Rights movement is the best example of my lifetime, but there are many others. Progress in science, public policy, and many areas of life is often driven by people who are jerks, as Megan McArdle recently wrote.
One thing that has become increasingly clear about Canada is how weak its formal institutions actually are, and how dependent they have historically been on the decency of its citizens. https://t.co/sWVvQZaWRg
— David Polansky (@polanskydj)…