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Shocking Poll Reveals Extent of Critical Race Theory Brainwashing

A new survey has exposed the extent of the moral rot that America’s universities and K-12 schools have wrought on society.

According to a recent Harvard-Harris poll, a large majority of young Americans think that white people and Jews are “oppressors” and that the mass killing and kidnapping of civilians can be politically justified.

When asked about their views on “an ideology that white people are oppressors and nonwhite people and people of certain groups have been oppressed” (i.e., critical race theory, or CRT), and that members of the latter groups “should be favored today at universities and for employment,” two-thirds of Americans appropriately rejected this racist ideology.

That figure includes three-quarters of Americans aged 55 to 64 and more than four-fifths of those aged 65 and over.

But young Americans overwhelmingly embraced this racist…

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