You heard it here first.
And I heard it from them.
🚨🚨NEW -> Biden’s reluctance to acknowledge his physical limitations at age 81 is causing some tension on his team, as senior aides and First Lady Jill Biden push him to rest more and be vigilant about his health going into 2024.
— Jim VandeHei (@JimVandeHei) December 19, 2023
I’ll lay money you were just as surprised as I was that the fellow carefully clomping his way across the White House lawn was a creature in perpetual motion. As opposed to what our lying eyes see, which is an aged, dementia-ridden shadow of a man evincing barely enough energy to set one foot in front of the other, and only a heartbeat away from toppling over at any given moment like a sack of potatoes set on end.
…Why it matters: Current and former aides say Biden is extraordinarily energetic for his age. But his repeated…