The internet has exploded with commentary about one scene in the show CoComelon Lane, which is a spinoff of the popular animated series CoComelon. The episode in question features two fathers fawning over a little boy dancing around in a tutu and tiara.
Daily Wire podcast host Matt Walsh addressed the episode on his Wednesday show. “Another popular children’s program has decided to go all-in on Left-wing indoctrination,” he began.
“The clip circulating on social media today is from episode 8 of the show’s recently released first season. In the clip, we see a young boy — a character named Nico — dancing around in a dress and a tiara while his two gay dads look on approvingly. It’s so on-the-nose that you’d be forgiven for assuming that it must be a parody. But it is not. Not intentionally, anyway,” Walsh continued.
Walsh went on to mention how all iterations of…