News Busters

NBC’s Meyers Blasts ‘Handmaid’s Tale Werewolf’ Ted Cruz, ‘Cavalcade of Goo

For this installment of late-night group therapy for rich, white liberals, NBC’s Late Night host Seth Meyers pointlessly bloviated about how much he hates Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) as a Handmaid’s Tale werewolf”, just one of Donald Trump’s “weird” “cavalcade of goons”, and someone who, if they were murdered, their colleagues wouldn’t seek to find his killer.

Meyers started with a lame dud mocking Cruz’s quip at a Turning Point USA conference that liberal women are unhappy because they’re stuck cohabitating with “weenies” for men: “Well, joke’s on you, Ted, because liberal women sleep with each other”.



The Cruz-bashing continued in his “A Closer Look” segment that was largely dominated by his liberal bellyaching masquerading as deep, unobjectionable thoughts.

“Trump and his cavalcade of goons are weird. But…

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