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Wokeness Takes Over the World of Online Dog Training – HotAir

The NY Times published a lengthy opinion piece yesterday under the headline “When the Culture Wars Came for Dog Training.” If you click on the link you get a different much less interesting headline “My Year of Being Extremely Online About Dogs.”

The story is told from the point of view of the author, Alicia Wittmeyer, and because it’s so long it’s also told chronologically. In other words, there are things Wittmeyer has learned by the end that she didn’t know at the beginning. What we’re getting isn’t just her opinion but the journey of how she got there.

So the piece starts out with her confusion about why people in the online world of dog training, which is a big thing apparently, suddenly started talking in ways that seemed to have more to do with politics than with dogs. It started with Mr. George, a dog trainer/online influencer with more than 3 million…

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