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Will Trump Be Disqualified Before The Election Even Starts?

Yesterday, Kamala Harris said something extraordinarily wise. It was a rare moment of shining brilliance from our very historic vice president:

“Every election cycle we talk about this is the most election of our lifetime,” she blathered.


Yes, indeed, 2024 is shaping up to be the most “election” of our lifetime. 

Not just an election. The most election.

In other words, a s***show.

While America awaits the Supreme Court ruling on whether or not Colorado can bar Donald Trump from the ballot, other states are considering how they can follow Colorado’s suit and bar the leading Republican candidate for the presidency from the ballot. According to the New York Times, there are at least 16 other states that are considering barring Trump from the ballot, including four state lawsuits in Michigan, Oregon, New Jersey, and…

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