Red state

How Prosperity Saved Tiny Tim – RedState

I don’t really care who the candidate is; none of the Republican contenders for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination are talking about the importance of growth and prosperity as much as they should be.

At the risk of oversimplifying things, the smart political answer to every crisis or challenge is more economic growth and prosperity. Prosperity is a nonpartisan idea. Politically, it transcends left, middle, and right. This is especially true when you fully grasp what prosperity, which only comes from economic growth, is and what it means.

According to George Gilder, who writes in his book, Life After Capitalism, that economic growth, at its most basic, is an increase in the accumulation of wealth and knowledge. Who’s against more wealth and knowledge? 

If we borrow from the wisdom of the ages and cite someone like Jean-Baptiste Say as our go-to on the way to achieving economic…

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