Red state

Elon Gets the Last Laugh in His Battle With Disney – RedState

In the wake of Disney pulling its advertising from Elon Musk’s X social media platform, Musk was unequivocal in how he would not be bullied in the battle to defend free speech by big companies trying to hold money over his head. 

“Don’t advertise,” Musk said, if they want to take that tact. “If somebody is going to try to blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money, go f**k yourself,” Elon declared. 

In case they didn’t catch it the first time, he said it with hand gestures and emphasis, “Go f**k yourself!” 

“Is that clear?” he asked. “I hope it is. Hey, Bob,” he said name-checking and waving at Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney.

That was quite the rallying cry and people on the right generally loved it….

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