EVidently, It’s Time to Re-EValuate EV REVolutionary EVangelism – HotAir
Hot Air

EVidently, It’s Time to Re-EValuate EV REVolutionary EVangelism – HotAir

Nobody, especially Americans, likes being told what to do. Likes being told they HAVE to do something because of “something something Science™” that is exponentially above and beyond the acceptable reach of government intrusions, disrupting and detrimental to the very fabric of our standard of living by an order of magnitude unthinkable to anyone with an ounce of common sense, and yet we simple peasants paying the bills are not deemed worthy nor sufficiently percipient to be consulted concerning these plans.

The courses are charted by our betters – sometimes even legislated, but more often regulations are just decreed, and then implementation begins. Ignoring the howls of the serfs in the fallows and fields who pay for it all – literally and figuratively – this Brahmin class charges ahead imposing upon their subjects immutable strictures, sacrosanct edicts, and…

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