Since WW2, the U.S. military has been pretty lavishly equipped (at least, until recently), but there are some items of military hardware and general issue that we’d rather forget. Anyone who has worn Uncle Sam’s colors knows about this. Some of the ideas of the people who develop military equipment and personal gear are so harebrained that you have to seriously wonder what, at the end of the day, they are really trying to accomplish.
Whether it’s something like canteens or those leather glove shells, U.S. service members are no strangers to gear that is a hassle to use, a hassle to store, and a hassle to turn in when you’re done with it.
Everyone’s opinions on this may differ. Maybe your shoulders are still a little sore from wearing one of those old load bearing vests. Maybe your ears are still ringing despite your usage of 3M earplugs. Maybe you’re even a contrarian and…