Hot Air

THWACK!…Miami Teachers Union’s…KAPOW!…Gonna Need a Defibrillator…ZLORP! – HotAir


United Teachers of Dade (UTD) (Sounds like birth control or something, doesn’t it?), representing some 30 odd thousand Miami area school employees and the largest teachers’ union in Florida, is having a bit of a survival crisis. Now, a good portion of it is self-induced, as FL is a right-to-work state, which means employees cannot be compelled to join a union nor pay union dues as a condition of employment. It says something about the union that a fair number of school employees have chosen not to do so.

The other side of the coin as far as the union being at death’s door has been their leadership’s pugnacious, aggressive, and frankly downright revolting attitude towards anything the governor of the state has tried to accomplish while in office concerning the schools.

They declared war on Ron DeSantis almost from the very beginning.

What really…

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