Hot Air

A New Generation of Catholics Discovers Latin Mass 60 Years After Vatican II – HotAir

Growing up in a rural enclave in western Pennsylvania, Gina McNulty regularly attended Catholic Mass with her family each Sunday. But something always felt missing about the experience, McNulty said — something she could not put her finger on until a few years ago when she and her husband, Steven, began attending a traditional Latin Mass at the Most Precious Blood of Jesus parish a 20 minute-drive away in Pittsburgh.

Initially the couple and their children worshipped at Most Precious Blood only occasionally — their regular parish was just a short stroll away. But by the time the couple had their third child three years ago, they started attending weekly. Now expecting her fifth kid, McNulty says she feels deeply connected with the ancient ritual that is Latin Mass.

“My husband was definitely the driving force behind it,” McNulty, 35, said, of their shift to Latin Mass….

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