Red state

Dozens of Eritrean Protesters With Long Sticks Surround, Attack Police in London – RedState

We’ve seen a lot of problems with law enforcement in this country over the last few years. Or perhaps I should say, that the problem is political, with the effect on law enforcement. 

You have progressive DAs who refuse to properly prosecute crime, which results in more of it. There’s also the perpetual question asked, when someone does something evil and then we hear he was “known” by the police. 

There was the effort to defund the police by those on the left which also had the unhappy effect of more crime. Who could have figured that trying to cut police and hamstring them in high-crime areas would be a problem — aside from everyone, except the left. 

Then you have the unequal application of the law where, if you have a “magical D” after your name, you may not get the same treatment as if you didn’t have that D. As we look back on 2023 and toward the future, that’s perhaps one…

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