Raskin’s Disturbing Defense of Removing Trump From Ballot Includes Chilling Words About SCOTUS – RedState
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Raskin’s Disturbing Defense of Removing Trump From Ballot Includes Chilling Words About SCOTUS – RedState

CNN had Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) in on Sunday to talk about the efforts by Democrats to boot former President Donald Trump from the ballot using the 14th Amendment. 

Raskin made some comments that a lot of people are talking about. 

The first part was what he said about the disqualification process. He had the temerity to claim that what they were trying to do against Trump was the most “democratic” form of disqualification. This takes some kind of gall to attempt this level of spin;

Wow, what horse hockey. 

“Is it undemocratic that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jennifer Granholm…

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