I guess after my earlier post today that was a tad bit more serious, it’s good to end the first day of the New Year with a good laugh.
That happened when I read this piece about my home state of Michigan magically becoming a toss-up state for either the Republican or the Democrat nominee to win in 2024. If I didn’t know any better I would swear that people or organizations that constantly refuse to look at results and data are Democrats in disguise trying to keep conservative Republicans in States like Michigan fed drunk and stupid.
In other words, Michigan is a toss-up state like New York or California.
If you are one of those people who is going to counter and say BUT BUT BUT MICHIGAN WENT TO TRUMP in 2016 you are technically correct. However, out of close to 4.5 million votes totaled Trump won with just under 12,000 votes which is akin to a pimple on a gnat’s arse.
That means it…