Hot Air

About That Epstein List… Not So Fast – HotAir

Don’t get your hopes up too much if you have been waiting to see the names on the flight lists of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. A delay is expected to allow one unidentified woman a last-minute reprieve of 30 days.

The list was supposed to be released this week. However, a woman identified as ‘Jane Doe 107’ has brought the process to a halt. There is much confusion surrounding the release and how many names will be available and when. The list of Jeffrey Epstein’s associates and friends was supposed to have been released on Tuesday. Then word came out that there is a delay and the list includes 187 names that are to be made public.

The woman claims she will be in danger if her name is made public because she lives in a ‘culturally conservative country.’ The country has not been named.

On December 21, Judge Loretta Preska granted the woman a 30-day appeal, delaying the…

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