St. Louis Centenarians Celebrate 80 Years of Marriage – RedState
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St. Louis Centenarians Celebrate 80 Years of Marriage – RedState

It’s the New Year, so ads for anti-aging and weight loss are hot and heavy on social media. If I had a dollar for the number of times I’ve seen the ad for that Keto gummy that singer Kelly Clarkson supposedly used to lose weight (not likely), I’d be able to buy a new smartphone.

But I digress. While age is just a number, longevity is a rare prize. While it is some parts genetic and some parts lifestyle, a huge part of living a long life is having love and purpose that fuels that life. The beauty of a long and fulfilled life is the subject of this first Feel Good Friday of 2024.

New Year’s Day is special for a lot of people but especially so for a couple celebrating 80 years of marriage together. 

Andrew and Bertha Kowalczyk were married in 1944. They had six children together, along with 31 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The Fenton couple, now aged 103 and 102 respectively,…

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