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Joint Chiefs Chairman Knew Austin Was Hospitalized and Didn’t Tell the White House or the Service Chiefs – RedState

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General C. Q. Brown was informed the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was hospitalized Tuesday but agreed to maintain the charade that Austin was working at home. Meanwhile, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, who was on vacation in Puerto Rico, was asked to assume some of Austin’s duties, but she didn’t know he was in the hospital until Thursday.

I’d thought my duty to write about this fiasco had come to an end with my last update, but I was wrong.

BACKGROUND: White House Says SecDef Austin’s Job Is Not in Danger and That’s a Problem

Friday night, it was reported that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin had not informed National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan that he was in the ICU at Walter Reed National Medical Center due to “complications” from a yet undefined “elective medical procedure.” It fell to Sullivan to inform Biden that his…

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