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Interim Harvard President Makes Almost $1M a Year From Drug Companies in Addition to His $946K Salary – RedState

Who knew being a professor could be so lucrative? Former Harvard University President Claudine Gay, who resigned after antisemitism and plagiarism scandals which occurred under her watch, will return to the faculty and haul in close to $900,000 a year in salary. Her classes must be amazing.

But guess who’s got it even better? Her replacement (at least for now), interim president Dr. Alan M. Garber, the school’s provost. He is paid around $946,000 a year for his work – but that’s only the beginning of his earnings. He made more in 2022 — $936,000 more — serving as a board member for two major drug companies, Vertex Pharmaceuticals and California-based Exelixis Inc.

Why would it be problematic to have your provost or university president serving as a board member for pharmaceutical companies, you might ask. Remember COVID? When our nation’s institutions of higher education…

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