Team Biden Channels CCP, Demands Loyalty From Media in Gripefests at Campa
News Busters

Team Biden Channels CCP, Demands Loyalty From Media in Gripefests at Campa

In what our buddy Matthew Foldi tweeted was reminiscent of communist Chinese dictator Xi Jinping demanding “full loyalty” from state-run media, Semafor revealed on Sunday night that President Biden’s reelection team has been hosting “off-the-record trips for top political reporters and editors to” their campaign headquarters in Delaware for tongue-lashings about not only how they’re still not anti-Trump enough, but not obsequious enough to Biden.

Semafor’s Maxwell Tani explained that “high-ranking” officials helm the meetings and are viewed “as an opportunity to tell them what they’re getting wrong” with sources saying meetings with liberal apparatchiks from The New York Times and Washington Post featured “a coverage spreadsheet laying out areas where the team believes their reporting has fallen short.”

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