News Busters

6 Lies From Ms. Magazine Bull S**T Piece on Pro-Life Movement

Ms. Magazine, which has a history of fabricating truths, straight-up lying, and being just about as pro-left as an outlet can be, released a piece last week titled “Punish, Torture, Kill: The Reality of Pregnancy in ‘Pro-Life’ America.” The piece aims to insist that the pro-life movement only exists to “force women to carry pregnancies against their will.”

The piece is penned by Jill Filipovic, one of the staunchest abortion supporters in existence. Filipovic, when not writing dramatized pieces for Ms. Magazine, writes for Cosmopolitan and CNN, two notoriously left-leaning, abortion supporting outlets. 

It’s no wonder she went ham with all the lies on this piece.

Lie #1: Pro-lifers are forced birthers. 

Obviously that’s false. The pro-life movement simply doesn’t think it’s morally right to murder an innocent child and believes that pregnancies shouldn’t…

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