Yes, it’s finally come to this.
Joe Biden, the least popular president in U.S. history at this point in his disastrous presidency, has virtually gone hat-in-hand to Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, pleading with López Obrador to help stop the evergrowing surge of illegal aliens from reaching the border.
The worst part, of course, is that Joe Biden intentionally created the border crisis — beginning on his first day in office. The second worst part is that López Obrador has “a few requests” himself — if he’s to help Biden out of his self-created disaster.
More accurately, López Obrador has Biden over a barrel. He knows it. Biden knows it. And López Obrador knows Biden knows it. This puts the president of the United States in a very weak negotiating position. While Biden deserves every minute of it — the people of America do not.
So, as everyone from serial…