We have often zinged Joe Scarborough’s false-modesty shtick of describing himself as a “simple country lawyer.” The egotistical Morning Joe host clearly hopes people will react by thinking–or better yet, exclaiming–“No, Joe. You are one of America’s most brilliant legal minds!”
On today’s show, Scarborough decided to defy the mockery and double-down on his shtick. Three times in one segment, as he reran audio of Trump pleading to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” him 11,780 votes, he pointedly described himself as, yes, a “simple country lawyer.”
For good measure, Joe upped the false-modesty ante by adding, “I fell off a turnip truck and landed in front of Congress.” Watch Mika make that “here he goes again” face.
MSNBC analyst and Washington Post editor Eugene Robinson obligingly ran with Scarborough’s line. The South Carolina…