Al Sharpton Says Biden Should Hype White Supremacy Fears for Political Reasons
News Busters

Al Sharpton Says Biden Should Hype White Supremacy Fears for Political Reasons

Pssst! Al! When you publicly suggest that Joe Biden discuss  white supremacy, you should at least pretend it is for moral, not ulterior political reasons. Unfortunately, Reverend Al Sharpton said the quiet part out loud on Monday’s Morning Joe.

Since Biden’s handling of economy and border security has caused a slippage of support for him among black voters, Sharpton stated that when Biden uncorked another campaign speech in Charleston later in the day, he should bring up white supremacy in his speech as a way to shore up support among a group that has been increasingly disappointed in him. 

MSNBC host Jonathan Lemire touted Biden’s animus against extremism and hate: “This is an animating principle for Joe Biden. This is why he ran in 2020, what happened in charlottesville. He talks about that frequently. We know he connected that extremism, the…

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