Over the past year, we have cataloged the foibles, foul-ups, and facts-averse finagling seen in the press, and with the flip of the calendar, we recognize and reward the best (worst) examples in journalism from 2023. For this inauspicious honor, we have created The Golden Remington Trophy, a nod to days past when reporters would grind out work, burn shoe leather chasing stories, and journalism ethics still existed.
For this final iteration, we present The Remmy – our statue of the classic typewriter, encased in luxurious repurposed 8-karat gold — to select examples of exemplary journalistic sub-excellence found throughout 2023. These are randomly ordered, but the big prize is the Public Service Honor for the most significant reporting of the year.
So, without any further fanfare, here are The Remmy Select Honors:
As part of a…