News Busters

DeSantis SCHOOLS Anderson Cooper for Boosting LIES About His Campaign

The fifth Republican presidential primary debate on Wednesday (hosted by CNN) between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley was certainly heated; with both candidates taking wild rhetorical swings at each other. And in a post-debate interview, DeSantis showed he still had a lot of fight in him as he schooled CNN’s Anderson Cooper for parroting falsehoods about his campaign that Haley brought up.

“Her criticism of you is that a lot of those donors, which you were criticizing her for, used to be your donors,” Cooper poked, knowing fleeing donors was a bad sign for a campaign. DeSantis immediately pushed back, declaring “That’s actually not true.”

DeSantis went on to point out that Haley had donors who would never support him, including left-wing ones:

I mean, think about it. She’s got the founder of LinkedIn, who’s…

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