News Busters

Biden’s 2024 Goals: Prioritizing Abortion Rights Restoration

Hey, at least they’re being transparent!

Earlier this week Politico released a piece titled, “Biden’s Top Priority For a Second Term: Abortion Rights” based on Biden’s deputy campaign manager, Quentin Fulks, who, during an interview Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” insisted that Biden was “adamant” to “restore Roe.”

“The president has been adamant that we need to restore Roe. It is unfathomable that women today wake up in a country with less rights than their ancestors had years ago,” Fulks insisted.

Politico also mentioned that despite Biden not being “big on abortion” because of his Catholic faith, he still wants others to get the chance to kill their kids if they wish. Politico also added that Biden thinks Roe “got it right” and hopes to reinstate the 1973 decision as federal law.

Predictably, Politico brought up…

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