Hot Air

CNN’s Iowa Republican Debate was the Beginning of the 2028 Presidential Cycle – HotAir

The CNN debate between Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley was ok but it wasn’t what I hoped it would be. The winner was Ron DeSantis.

The debate with the two candidates was one that people have wanted for a long time. They are competing for second place in the Iowa caucus, to be honest. I don’t see either overcoming the big lead that Trump has, but I won’t rule anything out at this point. This has been a weird political cycle, with the two frontrunners, Trump and Biden, barely campaigning. They refuse to debate. The Democrat primary was rigged by the DNC to assure that Biden doesn’t have to break a sweat. The Democrat primary starts in South Carolina this time so as to guarantee Biden wins. Trump won’t agree to debate the other Republicans because of his strong lead and he feels entitled to the nomination.

Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley went round after round for two hours. The…

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