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On the Exploitation of Innocence

Children are not property to be exploited; they are gifts from God—and what do you do with a gift? You cherish it, grow it, and protect it. Yet, in a world marred by moral decay and power imbalances, the most vulnerable among us, children, often fall prey to the darkest desires of influential figures.

The Jeffrey Epstein case, among others, lays bare a troubling pattern: a fascination among certain powerful individuals for underage boys and girls. This is not a new phenomenon; history is replete with instances where those in positions of power, be they priests or potentates, have succumbed to this heinous proclivity.

 But why? The answer perhaps lies in the corrupting nature of power itself. As Lord Acton famously said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

In the case of the exploitation of children, power becomes a vehicle not just…

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