Hot Air

CBS Political Reporter Wonders Whether Human Beings Should Go Extinct – HotAir

There is a large faction of the Left that is a death cult. Admittedly, it is only about 95% of them who want to see human beings, or at least most of us, go extinct.

Maybe 99%. Definitely, not all Leftists are death cultists. Probably.

Think about it. What are their big causes? Abortion. Gender ideology, which includes sterilization. Climate hysteria, which requires a dramatic reduction in population. Medical murder. Closing farms.

You name it, and death is connected to it in some way. There is even a movement pushing voluntary human extinction.

So is it surprising to see a CBS political reporter speculate about whether the universe would be better off without human beings?

Well, yes, I suppose it is. It is always surprising to see somebody who is presented to us as sane take off their mask and proclaim that human extinction might just be a good thing. If you are a propagandist…

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