Hot Air

We Need Illegals to Do Menial Tasks – HotAir

I hate to repeat the by-now tired observation that Democrats are racists, but I will anyway.

It’s Friday. The workweek is almost done, and it’s always fun to point out the hypocrisy of Leftists.

The latest example of unintentional humor is Jerry Nadler’s unintentionally hilarious excuse for why the United States needs to import several million illegal immigrants a year: They make great menial laborers. Without illegals, vegetables would rot in the fields.

And, if I were Nadler, I would steer the topic off of food.

This is actually a common assertion of Democrats, who generally know about as much about agriculture as I know about performing brain surgery. Nancy Pelosi has made this same assertion, and I do have to admit that she knows a bit about viniculture, although I do…

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