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USA Boxing’s New Rule Allows Men to Compete Against Women

USA Boxing has changed its rules to allow men who identify as women to compete in the female category, a change that coach Cary Williams warns could be deadly. 

Even one man competing against women is “all it takes to do damage; that’s all it takes to kill a woman,” says Williams, a USA Olympic-level female boxing coach. 

“I’m extremely scared for the safety of our girls and our women in boxing,” she told “The Daily Signal Podcast.” 

The new policy requires males to meet specific hormone levels and to have undergone surgery to “alter” their gender. But Williams says the new policy does not acknowledge that men have “larger hearts, larger lungs, bone density, strength.”

“You’re talking about muscle-fiber differences. Those are all something we’re born with,” she says. 

Williams, the founder of women’s fight-gear brand

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