Hot Air

Another Swastika By a Holocaust Memorial – HotAir

The antisemitic train in the United States doesn’t seem to be slowing down and could actually be accelerating. The latest nauseating incident took place in Philadelphia on Sunday next door to the Horowitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza. A man was seen spraying a black swastika on the wall of the Verizon building next to the memorial. Jews living in what was formerly known as the City of Brotherly Love already have more than enough reason to be fearful. Regular protests by pro-Hamas, anti-Israel activists feature chants supporting the ethnic cleansing of Jews in the Middle East and threats against Jewish-American citizens here at home. But even for that vile crew, painting a Nazi symbol next to a Holocaust Memorial is a new low. (NBC News)

A swastika was discovered on a wall near Philadelphia’s Holocaust memorial on Sunday, police said.

The antisemitic image was…

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