Hot Air

‘Bigoted’ Rape Survivors Not Welcome at the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Center – HotAir

GAWD, Scotland’s turned into such a vile hellhole. The Scottish National Party (SNP) under the leadership of former First Minister Nicola “Tiny Tyrant” Sturgeon took that country so far off the rails, I don’t know how it ever recovers. I do know tt surely won’t under the tender mercies of her SNP successor, righteous racist Humza Yousaf.

He’s the fellow who, besides complaining that a country which is 96.9% “white” has too many “white” people in office, is forging on with Sturgeon’s dangerously misguided policies of putting male parading as females into female prisons. The woke penal (hah) authorities in his administration want to take dangerous prisoners – rape, attempted murder, etc – who’ve declared themselves in touch with their more feminine sides once they hit prison (amazing how they’ve happily been male through their criminal rampaging), and…

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