Hot Air

Is North Korea Preparing for War? – HotAir

NY Times columnist Nicholas Kristof has a new column today highlighting something else to worry about. He points to a recent analysis of North Korea by two individuals with decades of expertise on the subject. Their names are Robert Carlin and Siegfried Hecker:

I’ve seen many false alarms since I began covering and visiting North Korea in the 1980s. I wouldn’t write about this latest warning except that it comes from two particularly credible experts who bluntly conclude that “Kim Jong-un has made a strategic decision to go to war.”

That’s speculation without hard evidence to back it up, and they acknowledge that this kind of prediction is fraught. But one of those experts is Robert Carlin, who has been analyzing North Korea for 50 years for the C.I.A., State Department and other organizations. The other is Siegfried Hecker, a nuclear expert at Stanford who has…

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