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Unionization Vote Leaves 200 Flight Attendants Without Contract

Desperate for members and knowing the importance of getting in on the ground floor, the Association of Flight Attendants-Communication Workers of America (AFA-CWA) saw an opportunity with startup airline Avelo.

The AFA-CWA recruited flight attendants to its cause almost before the airline got off the ground.

The union filed an application for an election when the company was in its infancy and there were only 14 eligible voters. At the time of the election, there were nearly 100 flight attendants, but through a loophole in the law, only the original 14 were allowed to vote, and of them, eight voted for the union.

Since then, the company has continued to grow. Now, Avelo Airlines’ 200-plus flight attendants are saddled up with a union voted in by eight people. Think of that: More than 200 people have been forced into an affiliation with an entity that only eight of…

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