Daily wire

Shapiro Explains Enormous Importance Of Imminent SCOTUS Decision

On his podcast Thursday, Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro explained the enormous importance of a decision the Supreme Court is about to consider, as it could shift power back to the legislature and take it back from federal agencies.

“The court decision is about whether federal regulatory agencies are capable of regulating huge swaths of American life or whether it turns out those regulations have to stand up to constitutional scrutiny,” he continued.

As they considered two cases in which herring fishermen from New Jersey and Rhode Island challenged federal rules requiring commercial fishermen to pay for at-sea monitors, the Court argued over the so-called Chevron deference. As Shapiro explained:

Conservatives have been targeting a framework that was set up in 1984 under a case called Chevron USA v Natural Resources Defense Council. That case set up something called Chevron…

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