News Busters

CNN, MSNBC’s Censorship of Live Trump Speeches Will Backfire

You can’t make it up. Former President Donald Trump wins the Iowa Caucuses in a blowout, winning 51% of the vote, 30 points ahead. But when he arrives to give the traditional televised thank-you victory speech, MSNBC blacked him out. CNN gave him a few minutes before dumping out. Usually, they’re not that generous.  

Which in turn sends an important message to the American people. Namely, that the mainstream media is going to make it their business to censor what can and cannot be heard from Trump in the 2024 campaign. 

Which in turn, with considerable and amusing irony, surely qualifies this business as an “in kind contribution” to Trump’s campaign.

While the once revered idea of a just-the-facts journalism is long gone, throttled to death by the flood of leftists into the once “mainstream” media, what is now being added is outright…

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