News Busters

PBS Remains Willfully Ignorant on How Shuttering Schools During COVID Hurt Kids

PBS NewsHour devoted two news stories to children struggling in schools after the COVID pandemic. But amid the handwringing there was no mention of how teachers unions are to blame for what turned out to be unnecessary school shutdowns, for over a year in some liberal cities, ruining activities and life events students had come to rely on.

Even worse, a story about delays in speech development among young children somehow skipped one enormous explanation – the mask mandates in school that targeted even two-year olds (America was a global outlier on forced masking of toddlers, pushed by activist groups like the American Association of Pediatrics).

Justified concerns about children’s inability to understand or read the facial expressions of an adult wearing a mask (particularly important when they’re learning to read) weren’t even brought up.

Communities Correspondent Gabrielle…

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