I call bulls**t on this.
Cows at @UMNMorris eat an ounce of seaweed every day: “This red seaweed has been shown to reduce methane by at least 40% and maybe more” says prof Brad Heins. https://t.co/7kNJWFro8d
— U of M Research (@UMNresearch) January 19, 2024
I have nothing against scientific experimentation–even seemingly absurd studies, which occasionally reveal interesting results.
But when put in the context of addressing a fake problem, using techniques that make little sense and yield transitory and minimal results, it strikes me as bulls**t done in the service of creating propaganda for a different agenda.
That is what is happening here.
The story, from Minnesota Public Radio, is about the University of Minnesota’s research to reduce methane emissions from cows used in the dairy industry. What first struck me was the oddity that the researchers are importing from…