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Trump White House Pharmacy Handed out Pills Like Candy… Buries a Discovery From Obama Years – HotAir

Now that the Republican primary race is all but over (but, you never know), look for daily stories that take former President Trump to task -directly or indirectly. In this case, it is the latter.

This is an unusual presidential election year. I don’t remember a Republican presidential primary, when there is not a Republican incumbent, in my lifetime when it is over, essentially speaking, after the New Hampshire primary. The incumbent in the White House is running for re-election from his basement, as he did in 2020. Biden’s re-election campaign is so disorganized it keeps re-launching itself. The latest re-launch happened this week in Virginia and he brought Kamala along with him. Trump didn’t participate in the Republican primary debates and Team Biden pushed the start of the Democrat primary season to South Carolina.

Democrats have been salivating about running against…

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