We have had some dangerous weather conditions all across the country. Now that I live in a place where this is a thing, I am gaining a renewed respect for the people who live in it for months on end. So, stories of people braving the elements to help others are coming to the fore, and two captured my attention as worthy of the Feel-Good Friday treatment.
The first is heart-wrenching, because four people died. But thanks to the quick thinking of a young woman, a baby was saved.
Majiah Washington noticed a flash outside her home this week in Portland, where a dangerous storm had coated the city with ice. Opening her blinds, she saw a red SUV with a downed power line on it and a couple who had been putting their baby in the car.
The woman screamed to her boyfriend to get the baby to safety, and he grabbed the child and began to scramble up the driveway on concrete so slick it was…