Red state

NY Weighs Lower Work Qualifications, Hiring Thousands of Illegals – RedState

New York state officials are weighing relaxing qualifications to hire illegal immigrants who have legal work status in the U.S. and considering “transitional titles” for 4,000 jobs they say are “hard to recruit” for and/or “entry-level.” Among the nixed qualifications: English proficiency, proof of education, and previous employment.

Any guesses as to who’s behind the lowered qualifications? According to a memo first obtained by Bloomberg, a spokesman for New York Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul wrote in a statement:

Governor Hochul has prioritized modernizing our State workforce and eliminating red tape, and she has instituted a series of reforms to achieve that goal. This initiative, which has not yet been implemented, would offer temporary employment opportunities that are available for anyone who can legally work in the United States.

Uh-huh. When Democrats use words like…

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